Blog – Learn German for free – Learn German in Germany
In our blog about Sprachschule Aktiv Munich, we’ll inform you on topics such as learning new languages in Munich and our offers at the Sprachschule Aktiv.
The Preterit vs. the Perfect: Why Do We Need Two Past Tenses?
The Preterit vs. the Perfect: Why Do We Need Two Past Tenses? The preterit and the perfect both describe the past in German, but what is the difference between the two? Both are important to a language, but when do you use them? Read here about the Preterit vs. the Perfect. Why do we need […]
Sich Freuen Auf vs. Sich Freuen Über: Definition and Meaning
Sich Freuen Auf vs. Sich Freuen Über: Definition and Meaning When talking about something exciting in German, it can be confusing which phrase to use. Looking at both phrases, ‘sich freuen auf’ and ‘sich freuen über’, the nonnative eye does not notice the subtle difference between the two. Don’t fret! We will analyze the slight […]
Nutzen vs. Benutzen: The Differences, Explanations, and Definitions
Nutzen vs. Benutzen: The Differences, Explanations, and Definitions So, what’s the difference between the two? When do you use them and what do they even mean? Also, what in the world is the difference between ‘nützen’ and ‘benützen’? We cab help. This blog shows Nutzen vs. Benutzen: The Differences, Explanations and Definitions. When it comes [...]
Machen vs. Tun: The Differences and Explanation
Machen vs. Tun: The Differences and Explanation These two verbs both mean “to do” in English making their distinction extremely difficult to recognize for native English speakers. Although the difference between the two is small, there is still a difference between them. The verb ‘machen’ is used more often than its counterpart, ‘tun’. So, when [...]
Gewöhnt vs. Gewohnt: The Explanation, Definitions, and Their Use in German
Gewöhnt vs. Gewohnt: The Explanation and Definitions Are they verbs, adjectives, or past participles? These two words can be very confusing even for native German speakers. So, what’s the difference between the two? Let us inform you about: Gewöhnt vs. Gewohnt: The Explanation, Definitions, and Their Use in German. Gewöhnt vs. Gewohnt – Their Use […]
English Garden in Munich
What to do After Your German Course? Let’s head to the English Garden “Englischer Garten”! When in a new city, especially in one where you are still learning the language, can seem isolating. You are often times confused or unsure of what to do or where to go. In Munich there is a million and […]
The Viktualienmarkt in Munich
The Viktualienmarkt in Munich is an Experience like None Other! The Viktualienmarkt is one of Munich’s gems. It was formally known as the “Green Market”, but it is now called the ‘Viktualienmarkt’. It is the most well-known market in Bavaria’s capital, Munich. The city and the market have a long, rich history and set of […]
“es gibt”, “da ist”, and “da sind”? There, there, there – Its Definition and Explanation in English
“Es gibt”, “da ist”, “da sind”? - Definition, Explanation in English When it comes to learning German, there are many grammatical rules and structures that make little sense to foreign eyes and ears. The idea of umlauts, capitalized nouns, and article endings can be intimidating for beginners. However, that does not mean that it is [...]
Please and thank you – “Bitte und Danke” – The Explanation and Definition of their use in German
Please/thank you - “Bitte & Danke” - Definition of their use in German Please and thank you - “Bitte und Danke” - The Explanation and Definition of their use in German. As you should already know, manners are one of the most essential factors in learning a new culture and social norms. As a foreigner [...]
Improve your German watching movies or series?
How to improve your German watching movies or series? How to improve your German watching movies or series? – German Movies and Series 1.Movies -Good Bye Lenin! The movie from Wolfgang Becker, released in 2003, made German cinema popular again starring the charismatic Daniel Brühl. Alexander and his sister Ariane take care of their mum Christiane who was in […]
Learning German and discover the surroundings of Munich with the S-Bahn
Discover the surroundings of Munich with the S-Bahn Munich is a dynamic metropole. With the S-Bahn, you can discover easily Munich area. The trains are running every 20 minutes from the city centre on the main line from Ostbahnhof and Donnersberger Brücke. One of the main stop in the city centre of Munich is Marienplatz. […]
Regensburg- the capital of oriental Bavaria
Regensburg- the capital of oriental Bavaria Regensburg- the metropol from East Bavaria is located on the beautiful Danube around 130 kilometers from Munich in the east of Bavaria. It is considered as a cultural metropole since it has a lot of cultural heritage and history to offer. Regensburg – UNESCO World Heritage The UNESCO wants […]