General Standard Terms and Conditions by Sprachschule Aktiv Munich
§ 1. General Provisions:
- By registering for a course, a contract between the customer and the Language School is concluded. Registration can be made online or by mail.
- By registering for a course, the candidate commits himself/herself to pay in full the course fees before the beginning of the course. When paying by installments, the first installment is due before the beginning of the course. Payments can be made by bank transfer, in cash at all our locations (or by credit card at Heßstrasse 90, 80797 München).
- The booking of a course requires registration. Only once full payment/payment of the first rate is made, the language school ‘Sprachschule Aktiv München’ is required to carry out the course.
- Each semi-intensive course in German lasts 60 minutes. All other lesson hours last 45 minutes.
- Applications, Cancellations and Alterations have to be in writing – preferably by email, and are not accepted verbally or via the phone. Our teachers are not authorized to accept them in any form.
- Sprachschule Aktiv reserves the right to book premises depending on the availability. With the exception of Private Courses availability of certain rooms at certain locations cannot be claimed.
- Sprachschule Aktiv München commits to have mainly native speakers run the courses. All our teachers are highly qualified and have extensive experience in teaching their language. Students have no claim to a course taught by a specific teacher.
- The Language School Aktiv Munich endeavours to structure the course material in such a way that all participants can achieve the desired language goal. However, the Language School Aktiv Munich accepts no responsibility for failure to reach a certain language level or failure to pass exams. It cannot be guaranteed that the textbook will be covered in full during the course, as the individual progress of the participants is taken into account in the lessons and adapted to the respective learning speed. In this case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the course fee.
§ 2. Cancellations and Refunds of Fees
- Cancellations must be submitted in writing. Booked language courses can be cancelled free of charge no later than 5 business days prior the course start. If failing to properly cancel in time the full course fee must be paid. This provision applies independently of the registration date.
- At the time of booking a course, a fixed period of time and/or numbers of hours are decided upon. This applies to both private and company courses. If the course participant fails to attend or interrupts a scheduled date, he or she has no right to claim reimbursement in form of money or substitute lessons.
- The student is authorized to cancel the booked coursed after the first lesson if the lesson falls short of his or her expectations. This request needs to be submitted in writing no later than 24 hours after the first lesson.
- In exceptional cases, Sprachschule Aktiv München reserves the right to switch teachers. In such case the student is not authorized to cancel his or her course.
- The mere absence in a course does not equal to a cancellation, thus the student’s obligation to pay his or her course fee remains.
§ 3. Specific Provisions for Private Courses, Couple Courses, and Company Courses:
- A student participating at a private, couple or company course has the opportunity to book lessons at Sprachschule Aktiv München according to his or her wishes. The student also may agree on suitable teaching dates with the teacher directly.
- Each couple course contains 24 class hours.
- A student participating at a private or company course may decide personally how many class hours he or she would like to book. Booking a specified number of class hours is binding. If the student does not plan to attend the course, which he or she has already booked and paid for, he or she has no right to claim reimbursement (neither full nor partially).
- A student participating at a private, couple and/or company course may choose the location freely. In principle, for courses organized outside of school locations no travel expenses for teachers will arise. If the course location is outside the city center (city center defined by public transportation) the student has to cover the teacher’s travel expenses. These are based on the lowest-cost option of public transportation.
- If a booked and agreed upon appointment cannot be realized, it has to be cancelled a day prior to the course date up to 6 pm at the latest. If the last day of the deadline falls on a Sunday or holiday, cancellation has to take place on the last business day prior to that date. In such case, the course date will be re-scheduled. If cancellation does not take place in time, the student has no right to re-schedule any missed lesson.
- Booked class hours in the context of private, couple and/or company course have to be taken within one year from invoicing. Any claim regarding re-scheduling lessons and/or reimbursement shall expire after one year.
- After consultation with Sprachschule Aktiv München, class hours previously paid for can be transferred to a third party. The student has to submit a written explanatory statement.
§ 4. Specific Provisions for Group Courses, Intensive Courses, and Semi-Intensive Courses:
- Each group course contains 24 class hours which are being taught regularly on 12 pre-defined dates.
- Each intensive course contains 20 class hours per week, 4 class hours a day.
- Semi-intensive courses will be arranged for German courses exclusively. Each semi-intensive course contains 40 class hours of 45 minutes with a duration of 4 weeks.
- The starting date of all courses is set. In exceptional cases, Sprachschule Aktiv München reserves the right to switch or change course dates. Course participants will be informed in a timely manner should any change occur.
- In case that the minimum number of participants would not be reached, Sprachschule Aktiv München reserves the right to either change or cancel the course. In case a student disagrees with the cancellation, his or her prepaid course fees will be reimbursed.
- After consulting with Sprachschule Aktiv München, rebooking in form of changing the course can be approved in exceptional cases. The wish to transfer has to be submitted in writing no later than 5 business days before the beginning of the course. In case of the student failing to submit a written request or submitting it after the deadline, Sprachschule Aktiv München reserves the right to reject the request.
- Upon completion of a course each course participants may attend a follow-up course. Each follow-up course requires new registration. Without new registration a place will not automatically be reserved.
§ 5. Specific Provisions for German Courses:
Provisions of § 3 apply to private, couple, and company courses.
In case the minimum number of participants would not be reached regarding intensive, semi-intensive, and group courses, the course designated will take place. While hours will be shortened, payment terms remain the same.
Intensive Courses containing 4 participants will be taught 2 class hours (60 minutes each lesson hour) per day.
Semi-intensive Courses containing 4 participants will be 2 class hours (45 minutes each lesson hour) per day.
Evening Group courses containing 3 participants will be taught a total of 20 class hours (45 minutes each lesson hour).Group courses containing 2 participants will be taught a total of 16 class hours (45 minutes each lesson hour).
§ 6. Provisions for visa-related German courses
(1) The language school Aktiv Munich can help course participants to obtain a visa for the period of the booked course. In order to be able to use this service, the course participant must first have registered for a super intensive course and the entire course fee must have been paid. In exceptional cases and for large amounts, partial payment can be agreed upon after prior consultation with the management of the Aktiv Munich language school. There is a processing fee of €15.00 for this service. This is non-refundable.
(2) If the application for a language visa to participate in our course is rejected, the customer will receive the entire course fee already paid back upon presentation of a rejection notice. Only €250.00 will be retained as a flat rate for expenses. In this case, the rejection notice from the German consulate and the certificate for issuing a visa must be sent to the Aktiv Munich language school immediately, but no later than 5 working days before the start of the course.
(3) Binding Nature of the Booking Upon Issuance of a Visa Certificate: If a language course applicant receives a visa certificate from Sprachschule Aktiv München for the purpose of applying for a language visa at a visa office or consulate, the booking is considered binding. Withdrawal from the bindingly booked service is excluded. Cancellation of the bindingly booked visa course is only possible upon presentation of an official rejection notice from the authorities. Sprachschule Aktiv München reserves the right to retain the course fees at its own discretion, as these are non-refundable.
(4) Repeal of Section 2 (Subsection 1) of the Terms and Conditions: For visa-related German language courses, Section 2 (Subsection 1) of the General Terms and Conditions of Sprachschule Aktiv München is repealed.
(5) If no response from the embassy is received up to one week before the start of the course, registration can be postponed once and free of charge by four, eight or twelve weeks to the following start date. In this case, the Aktiv Munich language school must be informed of this in writing (email). If no explicit written request for rebooking has been received by the deadline, the group place is considered reserved and cannot be given to other interested parties. If you do not show up, the course fees already paid for this language level will be forfeited. A language course can only be rebooked or rescheduled once free of charge. The Aktiv Munich language school reserves the right to charge a flat fee of €80.00 for each subsequent rebooking.
(6) Once the Aktiv Munich language school has issued a visa certificate to apply for a language visa, you are not allowed to switch to another branch of the Aktiv group of language schools.
(7) The decision to issue a language visa is not at the discretion of our school. This decision is made exclusively by the responsible authority, based on the documents you submit and legal requirements.
§ 7. Specific Provisions for Group Courses and Intensive Courses of all languages with the exception of the German language:
The minimum number of course participants is 3.
In case the minimum number of 3 participants would not be reached, the course designated will not take place. While hours will be shortened, payment terms remain the same.
Group courses containing 3 participants will be taught a total of 20 class hours (45 minutes each lesson hour).Group courses containing 2 participants will be taught a total of 16 class hours (45 minutes each lesson hour).
Intensive Courses containing 2 participants will be taught 2 class hours (60 minutes each lesson hour) per day.
§ 8. Trial Lessons
A trial lesson organized by Sprachschule Aktiv München is free of charge and non-binding.
In case of the course participant’s subsequent registering for the course, the trial lesson will be counted as a regular class hour.
Regarding group, intensive, and semi-intensive courses a trial lesson lasts a period of a course session. Regarding private, couple, and company courses a trial lesson lasts 45 minutes. In case of a participant registering for a free of charge trial lesson without attending the scheduled course date he or she will be charged EUR 42.00. Cancelling a trial lesson must be submitted in writing no later than 24 hours before the scheduled course date. Sprachschule Aktiv München will charge EUR 42.00 in case of failing to cancel or in case of canceling after the deadline.
§ 9. Language Study Travel
Sprachschule Aktiv München assumes no responsibility for mediated language trips. Sprachschule Aktiv München’s field of activity is limited to mediation of a language trip as well as consultation.
§ 10. Mediation of Accommodation
Sprachschule Aktiv offers help finding accommodation to all course participants who book a German course for at least four weeks and require assistance. Sprachschule Aktiv acts solely as an intermediary and helps in the search for appropriate accommodation for the duration of the booked German course.
We accept no liability for accidents, theft or other damage to items (or property) or the person in contract with the arranged accommodation. Sprachschule Aktiv serves only as an intermediary and bears no responsibility for the arranged accommodation.
We obtain the information regarding the accommodation from the respective host, thus Sprachschule Aktiv bears no responsibility for the validity or integrity of the offer in relation to the arranged accommodation.
We accept no liability for the condition of the arranged accommodation, for any disputes with the respective landlord or dissatisfaction with the accommodation. The contacts for the respective accommodation are directly between the course participants and the landlords, thus Sprachschule Aktiv accept no liability for any resulting complications. Sprachschule Aktiv is not obliged, at the request of the participant, to provide an alternative accommodation.
§11. Data Protection at Sprachschule Aktiv München