Find a job and learning German in Munich

Quick request. Language courses in Munich, working and learning German. 3 ways of getting your dream job. You came to Munich to learn German ? Munich also believes it is a great opportunity that you are here. So that you can afford your stay in the Bavarian capital, you should probably look for a job. How does it work ? We will present you that. We suggest you three options so that you can find your dream job tomorrow. Nothing can prevent you from learning German in Munich.

On top of hosting a lot of events, Munich has also the highest income per inhabitant in Germany and the lowest unemployment rate. Finding a job at the same time as your German classes should nor be a problem. We are please to help you finding  good job. Furthermore, through our language school in Munich, we can suggest you 3 options to find a job :

  • or as a teacher within our school:

Option °1: Listen to some tips

If you come to Munich to learn German, here are few places where you could receive some helpful advice. The Munich Employment agency will always be here to orientate you as a public authority. You can make an appointment and get some advice about job searching, applying or forums. If some offers match your profil, the agency will directly reach you.

The temporary work agencies are also very interested by your profile and can help you finding the appropriate job. Those agencies have a big network of potential employers. There will always be someone that needs your capabilities.

Option n°2: read the announce

Be aware next time you do some shopping. In supermarket, there is quite often on the black board some job offers. « Looking for an employee hard working…. » or « Looking for help… ». These are perfect for you to find a job without any difficulties. While working in Munich, you can as well learn German more easily. However, Munich offers much more options: read newspaper. The section of small announce is published generally once or twice a week. Usually, those offers are also available on the Internet. Check website from newspaper in Munich, you will be surprise by the number of option that exist. You

Option n°3: Use your network

Your purpose is to learn German in Munich, and this can even help you finding a job. You should participate regularly to the “Stammtisch meetings” for beginners in Munich. So, you can improve your German and get to know new people. Who knows, maybe you will be able to have a beer with an entrepreneur looking for your profile?  Even online network like Facebook or Xing could become your best chance to get  job. You have to create your profile carefully: present yourself and your capacities with beautiful images and regular messages on your homepage. You need to dedicate yourself to forums and connect with other users working in your sector.  By the way: Sprachschule Aktiv is available for everyone willing to learn German in Munich with help and advices. We are happy to help you contacting companies since we love increasing our network and being part of a big community.

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